Wednesday, 14 March 2007
almost golden...
Almost Golden

all the things I'll never do to you
Oh honey do all the things I'll never do to you
'bout the fire Sorry 'bout the torch
Sorry i had to have my revenge
Send it in a note Suid you cannot go
Say you were sick, you cant get dressed
Come on be on fire Come on be a liar
My dress is the prettiest
Cover me in burns


posted by serena at 20:37 | Permalink |


  • At 3/15/2007 2:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

    wow sere! almost gloden!!! bellissima! è una delle mie canzoni preferite in america's sweetheart! trovo che metta itantissimo in risalto la voce ruvida di courtney..ottima, davvero ottima scelta.

  • At 3/15/2007 2:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous

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